Arton, the wine of the Musketeers.

In the image of our ancestor d’Artagnan, our IGP Côtes de Gascogne wines display freshness, lightness and aromatic generosity with panache. Easy to share, they express the conviviality of the Gascon art of living.

Côtes de Gascogne

Born in the land of Armagnac, our dry white, sweet, red and rosé wines reveal with finesse all the typicity of our terroir. Their ambition is to redefine the taste territories of Côtes de Gascogne. The diversity of our 8 grape varieties is a sign of their uniqueness. Our craftsmanship, our commitment to excellence and our creative spirit make Haut-Armagnac a land of innovation.

D'Artagnan's legacy of courage

The Montal-Montesquiou family owes its daring and enthusiasm to its illustrious ancestor Charles de Batz de Castelmore, aka d’Artagnan. They dare to break free from codes to passionately undertake an innovative winegrowing project. From one generation to the next, from Patrick and Victoire to Jean and Lili de Montal, the spirit of enterprise is perpetuated and keeps panache alive in Gascony.

Organic & permaculture conversion

From vine to wine, everything happens on the estate. Only our grapes go into our wines! Taking care of our land to bring out the best in it is both a producer’s challenge and an environmental promise that demands patience. For 25 years, Jean de Montal has been professionally committed to sustainable development. When he moved to Arton, he launched the conversion of the estate to biodynamic & permaculture farming. Our vineyard has been HVE3 certified since 2021.

Award of Excellence

Our Château Arton Armagnac wins the Prix d’Excellence at the Concours Agricole de Paris in 2017. This prestigious distinction rewards the producer who has received the best results in his or her product category over the last three editions of the Concours. It recognizes consistency in excellence. This is the first time this prize has been awarded to an Armagnac.

Interested in our Armagnacs? Contact L’Explorateur du Goût to find out more.