What is the Blanche d'Armagnac ?

Fine Blanche
Our Fine Blanche® is a new classic!
Eau-de-vie. It has never been so well named. Transparent. Lively. Exhilarating. Fine Blanche® is the authentic expression of a year. It carries all the fruity flavors of the wine from which it is made. This “Armagnac in its prime”, bottled without having been aged in wood, is both traditional and innovative. The only perfectly natural brandy!
The First Blanche d'Armagnac

Blanche d’Armagnac is a French AOC spirit not aged in wood.
It exalts the aromas of the wine from which it is made.

An original creation by Patrick de Montal
Fine Blanche® is the first Blanche d’armagnac. In 1986, Patrick de Montal broke with the classic process of making Armagnac. It was a crazy bet at a time when everyone swore by the old vintages.

How is Fine Blanche® made?
Heating Arton wine and nothing else is the secret of our Fine Blanche®! The aromatic power of its naturally perfumed taste expresses our wine know-how and translates our concern for excellence. We grow our vines to produce a very good wine, a wine that we distill at the estate. The relationship between the vine and the wine and between the wine and the Armagnac is crucial because the quality of the distilled wine determines the quality of our Fine Blanche®.

How to taste our Fine Blanche® ?
Blanche can be kept in the freezer and drunk fresh. A product made in France, also ideal for cocktails.